Proclamation Recognizing The Forest Park High School FCCLA Club

On July 18, 2022, a proclamation was presented by the Honorable Mayor Angelyne Butler, MPA, and Forest Park City Council recognizing the Forest Park High School FCCLA Club
WHEREAS: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national career and technical student-led organization that offers extracurricular resources and opportunities for its members to pursue careers that support families, and;
WHEREAS: Participation in FCCLA gives students the chance to expand their leadership potential and develop key skills such as planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making and interpersonal communication – all skills that are deemed necessary at home and in the workplace, and;
WHEREAS: FCCLA provides credentialed chapter advisers who are certified professionals charged with delivering exceptional guidance, while also assisting students with their character development, education goals and career exploration, and;
WHEREAS: The Forest Park High School FCCLA Club is commended for helping local students gain real-world experience by participating in various community projects, workshops, and regional and national competitions for scholarships, and;
WHEREAS: Students in the club also learn about the importance of parliamentary law, as well as how to plan for business meetings, prepare minutes and display effective leadership while amongst fellow piers.
WHEREAS: Members of the Forest Park High School FCCLA Club won first place in parliamentary procedures at the 2022 National Conference in San Diego, California.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Forest Park do herby recognize the members of the Forest Park FCCLA Club for their outstanding accomplishments and willingness to make our community, state and nation a better place.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand on this 18 day of July 2022 and have caused the Official Seal of the great City of Forest Park to be affixed hereto: