Proclamation Recognizing Longtime Forest Park Resident Judy Pryor Taylor

On August 1, 2022, a proclamation was presented by the Honorable Mayor Angelyne Butler, MPA, and Forest Park City Council recognizing longtime resident Judy Pryor Taylor
WHEREAS: Judy Pryor Taylor has personified the true meaning of excellence and a commitment to public service as a long-term business owner who has lived in the City of Forest Park for nearly 40 years, and;
WHEREAS: A graduate of Forest Park High School, Judy Pryor Taylor completed her education and training from Atlanta Junior College, North Georgia Technical Institute and Atlanta Area Technical College, and;
WHEREAS: In 1981, Judy Pryor Taylor became the first African American woman to open a business in Forest Park, while also serving as a trailblazer and advocate for up-and-coming cosmetologists and future business owners, and;
WHEREAS: Judy Pryor Taylor has played an important role in the lives of many employees and residents throughout her community by uplifting spirits, sharing her technical skills and becoming a proud entrepreneur, and;
WHEREAS: Judy Pryor Taylor has been active at Forest Chapel Baptist Church, serving as a community leader for voter registration drives who would continue to remind her fellow neighbors to keep trying and "don't lose focus," and;
WHEREAS: Judy Pryor Taylor has a son, Ramone C. Hogan II, a graduate of Forest Park High School and a multi-college graduate of Morehouse College and Clayton State University, who is an entrepreneur following in his mother's footsteps.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Forest Park do herby recognize Judy Pryor Taylor for her outstanding contributions here at home and throughout Clayton County.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hand on this 1st day of August 2022 and have caused the Official Seal of the great City of Forest Park to be affixed hereto.