"National Sound the Alarm Campaign"

Saturday, April 22, 2023 - 9:00am to 2:00pm


"National Sound the Alarm Campaign" 


Our community has been selected by the Red Cross for distribution of their "Sound the Alarm Campaign". The Home Fire Campaign helps save lives by installing free smoke alarms in homes that don't have them, and by educating people about home fire safety. We are in need of volunteers to make this program a success. Ideally, we need Vietnamese and Spanish interpreters, but any assistance would be grateful. Would you or your organization consider supporting our efforts?  Are you in Need a Smoke Alarm?

Just One Day of Your Life Can Change Someone Else’s Forever! 

Home fires claim seven lives every day, but having working smoke alarms can cut the risk of death by half.

That’s why the American Red Cross is rallying volunteers to install free smoke alarms nationwide, as part of our. Sound the Alarm events.
This year we’ll install free smoke alarms, create escape plans and share fire safety information.

Join us for a rewarding day at a Sound the Alarm event near you. Make an even greater impact and donate to help families prepare for, respond to and recover from home fires.


Smoke Alarms Save Family’s Lives!

How Can You Get Involved?
Visit SoundTheAlarm.org/Georgia to volunteer.

Click on the Clayton County tab or click on the link below to get signed up!


(Para español, visite ActivaTuAlarma.org)


For more information Contact:

Anthony Gallman
Public Safety Educator
Forest Park Fire and Emergency Services
404-366-4720 ext: 804


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